Like this: Like Loading... This entry was posted in Cancer treatment, Causes of cancer, Policy, Preventing cancer, Science, Statistics by Kat Arney. Bookmark the permalink.
science diet dog food causes tumors
Eating by color: Curb cancer risk, encourage emotional stability and support a bright outlook with red hued foods. ... And do not forget the science behind these vibrant edibles. Valuable nutrients such as immune boosting vitamins A and C, ... The true horrors of pet food revealed: Prepare to be shocked by what goes into dog food and cat food • Interview: Raw food guru .... Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn. Breaking: Courts discreetly& ...
French researcher who claimed GM food caused cancers in rats says UK should review food safety and assess long-term toxicity. ... The French researcher who caused a scientific storm when he claimed to show that some GM food led to tumours and cancers in rats has accused the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) of "recklessly endangering public health" by not demanding long-term testing of the foods. In a series of parliamentary and public meetings held this& ...
While the parameters of what constitutes a reasonably healthy diet have been known for decades, diet still ranks high on the risk of concerns regarding actions we take on a daily basis that can increase our risk of various diseases. ... Seemingly, each and every one of these thousands of publications gets a news story associated with it, because the media love a good “food X causes cancer” or “food Y causes heart disease” story, particularly before the holidays.
Like this: Like Loading... This entry was posted in Cancer treatment, Causes of cancer, Policy, Preventing cancer, Science, Statistics by Kat Arney. Bookmark the permalink.
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